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Greater Jasper Consolidated Schools Rebrand

Greater Jasper Consolidated Schools Logo

Develop a brand that speaks to a tradition and expectation of excellence in everything we do from academics to sports. Keep known brand colors of black and gold, but freshen them up and add in a tertiary color.

Research and analysis
We took examples from school districts around Indiana and compared the successes and needs for improvement across the entire brand experience for GJCS.

Create multiple logo selections and two different color options. Once an option is chosen, create assets based off of that choice.

Research and analysis


Black and gold; GJCS’s staple colors and main brand recognition factor, has been carried through both color explorations with an updated gold gradient. This gradient is a step between the old gold on GJCS’s website and the gold on the Jasper High School wildcat.

Branding Color Pallet  - Gold, black, cinnabar, and white

Color exploration 1
Black, gold, white and cinnabar

Cinnabar hits the note of history and tradition. By pairing cinnabar with the gold and black, it can be representative of Jasper’s German roots.

Avoiding the same tonality of red that Southridge (a school near the GJCS district) uses, this red (cinnabar) sits between orange and red. When the tertiary color is used sparingly, it’ll shine bright and can be used to bring attention to specific elements and add visual interest.

Branding Color Pallet  - Gold, black, silver, and white

Color exploration 2
Black, gold, white and silver

Silver hits the note of the expectation of excellence when paired with gold. The silver is a tertiary and should be used sparingly.

Logo design and branding option - Pencil torch design
Logo design and branding option - Pencil torch design in silver

Logo exploration A - Pencil Torch

The symbol on the left of the wordmark is representative of a torch and also forms the shape of a pencil.

  • The five elements making up the pencil torch were intended to represent each word for Jasper G.R.E.A.T growing resilience, engagement and academics together.

  • The pencil can represent academics 

  • The torch is representative of the Light that represents knowledge and wisdom and is seen to illuminate the dark world through learning, scholarship, teaching, invention, observation, and study.

Logo design and branding option - Open book design in cinnabar
Logo design and branding option - Open book design in silver

Logo exploration B - Open Book Sunburst

Open book is representative of academics, and is abstract enough to be viewed as a sunburst representing positivity and strength

  • The centeredness of the book shows that academics above all else is the overall focus

The final choice

Jasper School District Final Logo Selection - Branding and Graphic Design

The GJCS board of directors gathered and decided on a final color and logo option.
An alternate typeface was selected during this time as well.

The logo below is the GJCS primary logo, and the centered option on the feature image is a secondary option when horizontal space is limited.


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